Monday, February 25, 2013

Lambs Eat Oats and Dogs Eat Lambs

Actually, mares and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy - but I couldn't help myself!
Mom and Dad helped someone (?) enclose a lamb pen with wood to prevent dogs from getting at the lamb.  Is there a lamb in the photo? Or "Did the dingo eat your lamby?"(reread that in an Australian accent) Mom and Dad feel that it looks more traditional with the additional fortification.  Anyone else care to toss out an opinion? Personally, I think you've got a Rustic Art Nouveau thing going that homeowners in Park City are going to love. 

Sister Croft standing next to a newly redesigned lamb pen - c/o the little lamb protection agency
 Nice Carhart, Mom!
Wow, I don't know about you guys, but the later it gets and the more I post, the funnier I get! Holla at me in the comments section if you think so too!

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